Kerala Latin Catholic Association (KLCA) is a forum of lay people of Latin Catholic Church of Kerala. KLCA units of the Latin Dioceses of Kerala, only those formally recognized by the respective Bishops, are the fractions of KLCA units of the Kerala State. The Operational area of KLCA is the total geographical jurisdiction of the Latin Dioceses of Kerala. Its central office is situated in Cochin at present. All the Archbishops and Bishops of the Latin Dioceses of Kerala are the Patrons of the Association. KLCA is placed under the authority of KRLCBC (Kerala Region Latin Catholic Bishop’s Council)
Integral development of Latin Catholic Communities of Kerala, based on Christian principles
  1. To foster unity among the Latin Catholics with concurrence of Kerala Regional Latin Catholic Council (K.R.L.C.C.).
  2. To protect the rights of backward classes and minority communities together with like-minded organizations, keeping a cordial relation with them and upholding the unity, integrity and secularism of our Mother land, India.
  3. To inculcate and spread Catholic ideologies and principles through social contacts and media.
  4. To safeguard and protect the socio-political issues of the community by bringing them before ruling government in accordance with the common policies of K.R.L.C.C.
  5. To take new policies or amend existing policies relating to community ensuring endorsement from KRLCC and KRLCBC
  6. To act with social commitment in safeguarding and achieving the rights of Latin Catholic Community.
  7. To plan and implement programmes that are needed for the growth of the society in educational, Social, political and economic spheres

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